We want to move forward together as a colorful, inclusive church in which mutual differences enrich.
To me, as a lesbian woman coming from a non-affirming christian background, the Rainbow Statement, where straight cis gender christians express their regret for not having stood up for the lgbtqia+ community in the past, is both - somewhat - healing and encouraging. It gives hope for a more loving and inclusive world, where lgbtqia+ people are truly accepted and celebrated for who they are, both outside and inside the church.
Sharon 'Rocky' Roggio
Director of 1946 - 1946.themovie.com
The Rainbow statement is a great way for heterosexual Christians to repent and admit the harm non-affirming Christian spaces have caused. The first step in repairing harm caused is acknowledging it and then doing everything in our power to repair it. I’m grateful for the rainbow statement as it pushes us towards a better way forward in our faith.
Tim Whitaker
Creator of The New Evangelicals, www.thenewevangelicals.com
The rainbow statement holds deep significance for me as a trans man of faith, despite the judgment that has been spewed against me, I have found my home within him.
For God is love, and his love transcends all boundaries and embraces us all with open arms.
Christian Youth Ambassador Beloved Arise
The Rainbow Statement is an important first step of repentance for the way LGBTQ+ folks have been harmed by Christians. Reparation and restitution are the nexts steps and I’m hopeful we will continue down this path.
Zach W. Lambert
Lead Pastor and founder of Restore Austin (Texas). He holds a Masters of Theology and serves on the board of the Post Evangelical Collective.
Of course we need to do more than say sorry— we need to do what Jesus did and actually center the people who have been the victims of oppression. But this is such a healthy place to start. I love the kindness and humility. They were words my heart needed to hear, and also say.
Brian Recker
Instagram @berecker
Let's pass on Jesus love and grace given to us, to all the people. God made each one if them a masterpiece, in Their resemblance.
What you are doing here is so much more than 'just' making this Rainbow statement. You give an ointment and bandage for the wound in me that was made years ago and is constantly being reopened.